Boggabri Website and Business Directory

Business Index


Learning for Life - Namoi U3A

Boggabri Community Group

Kate 0 8455

Learning for Life
PO Box 73
Boggabri  NSW 2382
0437 148 056

The U3A Network NSW Inc. is an organisation of autonomous U3A groups in NSW and the ACT, and several more groups from interstate who all support the general aims and directions of providing life-long learning opportunities for their members in their 'third age' using the skills of their members gained during their 'second age'

Outlaw Plant Hire

Boggabri Business

Kate 0 9303

Outlaw Plant Hire
PO Box 
Boggabri  NSW  2382
0418 270 390
Outlaw Plant Hire is based in Boggabri.  Is available for all your Backhoe, Bobcat, & Tipper Hire Services.  All Aggregate and loams, truck and dog hire, site cleanups and footings, post hole attachment, backhoe with tilt hitch and various buckets. Site-Cuts, Service Location, Pool Excavations, Pit Installation, Earth Moving, Compacting, Boring, Confined Space (mini excavator)

Ross Mechanical Services Pty Ltd

Boggabri Business

Kate 0 10345

Ross Mechanical Services
13546 Kamilaroi Highway
Boggabri   NSW   2382
0403 986 167
Services we provide - Hydraulic Hoses & fittings, heavy & Light Vehicle Rego Checks, Heavy and light Vehicle Services, Fully equipped workshop to carry out all types of mechanical & welding repairs

we have a shop front full of stock and supply - Truck and Trailer parts, a large range of air fittings, auto electrical accessories, batteries, a full range of nuts and bolts, 4wd filter kits and oils and lubricants and much much more.